Sunday, February 22, 2009

Destino Del Reino

Well, I wanted to take a few minutes to post some pictures from the place where I will be teaching when Nathaniel and I move to Honduras in June 2009. I'll be teaching music for 1/2 the day, and assisting in the adult ESL (English as a Second Language) class for some of the staff, etc. who want to learn English. Here is a picture of most of the school students.

This year, there are about 150 students in all. The lady who runs Destino also runs an orphanage next door to the school. The orphans that she cares for also come to the school when they are old enough. This is a picture of the road that leads to Destino.

This is a picture of the school itself. It is such a beautiful place, especially for a country like Honduras. Rhonda (the owner) has been so blessed by God to have such a nice place to raise future missionaries that has things like running water and other modern things that we take for granted in the states.

This is a picture of the Kindergarten classroom.

This is a picture of their outdoor sanctuary.

this picture is of the actual orphanage. I'll probably spend quite a bit of time there too.

And this is inside the orphanage.

the boy's room.

And finally, some cute little kiddos that I'm looking forward to meeting.